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Week 51 with S1 Builders Norfolk

Week 51 in the making/finishing

As the final week up to Christmas unfolds, we are up against the clock on a couple of extra jobs we have squeezed in for people desperate to get them completed before D day! Coving round a chimney breast and remove the floor and replace then re fit the bathroom suite where an angry boyfriend decided to flood the bathroom in their ensuite, umm!

The roof at Brancaster is complete but got given a list of other jobs to do before Friday.

Floor tiling, plastering and beam fitting went well.

Still working on the final touches to the website to get it to the satisfied useable design done with the graphic designer, just some little titivating over the holidays to do and any suggestions from users. So, send them across if you have any.

Payments are coming in steadily which is always a blessing this side of the holidays when people seem to lose the ability to use the computer when it comes to online banking due to fear of adding too many 0000’s lol.

Kitchen doors are in, so we can replace the damaged ones and sign the job off (photos and video to follow)

A couple of small jobs secured, and the onsite meeting went well with a bedroom extension, kitchen extension, lots of fencing and landscaping all added to the “To do” list for next year. GOT THIS JOB!

Busily designing the zen garden for next year and really looking forward to this one as I get to do some specialised concrete designs in the garden that I have never undertaken before so its big smiles of anticipation.

The transition to “S1 Builders Norfolk” is now getting to it final stages so this is a joy, changing banks accounts, standing orders, insurances, logos, paperwork and so on has been a challenge to say the least. But a very worthwhile one as the team look great in their new uniforms and it’s a new leaf for us all as a team of same side players! Ending the year on a high is always a great bonus and we are doing that in style!!! The main issue surrounding employing staff is to get the balance right amongst them all and yourself and we have got this at long last. Just the right amount in the team and even though I am on the brink of considering whether I will expand or not to take the new contract on teeters in the balance as it taken a few years to get back to having equilibrium in “S1” household.

Learning about the joys of social media and whether it works or is just a waste of time is so time consuming so as you get found by “Google” currently of people relying on mobiles and tablets to find builders, seems there are soooo many these days. Well I do say this loosely as we all know there are good and bad ones! So, it’s us signing off for another week and as last week photos will be posted after I have resized them and put them into some sort of order for you to understand, well I hope you do!


Oh, extra to add as I did this earlier than expected.

With all the jobs finished and clients happy on the Friday it saw four of us on the roof at Brancaster doing extra so as it was a top job. With the lights, out and so much @~ss taking going on it was an excellent way to finish the year. I’d say it’s the best year to date for finishing so much to the holiday deadline. So, with swapping gifts, insults and hand shakes we have all split for 2 weeks (but Christmas day we all sent kind wishes, well like this lol.) its so great to have a team all pulling together and ready for the new year to take on the massive work load we already have on the books.

We are also going to open a shop on the website as we have had people ask about some of the give away items that circulated at Christmas and if they can buy them, so watch the site in the new year.

Also, we have a super S1 hero arriving onto the website, that’s all I can say at the moment .

New team colours, new logo, new signs and a bigger positive attitude towards life its going to be a pleasure to start the new year as “S1 BUILDERS NORFOLK”. Out with the old and in with the NEW! I never thought it would mean so much to have a clear out and then revaluate what we have and fine tune it with 3 new team members, look at the old tradesman we used to sub contract in and start again with this feel good factor.

I could finish on a few underhand issues what’s happening in the background but that would sour the mood we are all in and clients that have been loyal to us. So, with the last six months being the happiest I have seen between a motley crew id like to cast off until the new year and wish you all the best. Thank you all for the support and work that has been shot our way!!!!!!


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